
How to Send Me Your Iris Photos

Please read below if you have booked an iridology analysis.


When taking your own iris photos please follow these steps:

Please send one photo of each. Only send 2 each at maximum and please send them together in one email! 

For your iris photos, you will need a friend to help you. 

  • Have your friend hold a smartphone camera in one hand and a flashlight in the other hand. 

  • They will hold the phone camera close to and directly in front of your eye. The flashlight will need to illuminate from the side at a 45 degree angle. 

  • Place a scarf or blanket over both of your heads to cancel out any lighting or reflections, creating a mini dark room. 

  • Stare straight into the camera. 

  • Take one photo of each eye. 

  • Hold the eyes wide open. Use your own hands to open your eyes so the whole iris is visible, if needed. 

  • The goal is to have the iris clear, so that I can see the fibers. 

  • Do not worry about the skin of the face being clear or visible. Only the eye is of importance. 

  • Please do not zoom as this lessens the clarity and creates pixilation. 

  • Please also email the photos to me at hayley@schoolofiridology.com for the best HD quality. 

    Thank you SO MUCH!

    Best of luck!